Friday, September 14, 2007

"no, you hang up first!"

We don't have our own internet, but we steal our neighbor's. Problem is, "DLINKWIRELESS" only has three bars in the living room, and worse, one bar in the kitchen (on good days). So, facebook, wikipedia, and skype are all limited to the living room.

Last night Erin squealed "duuuuuude, how are you?" I looked up from my Modern History of the Middle East and turned to her.
"Ummm, fine I guess?" She continued.
"Oh, I'm great. AUC is finally settling down, and classes are good. When are you going to come visit? Please say thanksgiving??" I returned to my reading, slightly miffed and embarrassed her question hadn't been directed at me.

Today I was skyping with me mom. My poor roomies ate breakfast to "I said FA-LA-FAL not AW-FUL! Yes, like the food! Please speak up! Stop moving around. Here, does it sound better if I move over here?"

Fortunately, no one has subjected us to significant other overshare. The thought of doing homework to "no, you hang up first! No baby. I'm sowwy. I wove u mowe" would be a true test of endurance.


Unknown said...

i guess i shouldn´t skype you anymore... wove yooouu smooch smooch.

georgia said...

no, I wove skyping you anytime :)